Attorney Jamie Moncus Esq. and the Family of Grant Brace reaffirmed today the representation of THE GRANT BRACE STORY PROJECT: A TRUE STORY AMERICAN TRAGEDY BOOK ADAPTATION TO FEATURE FILM to be represented by Agent Alan Morell, Creative Management Partners (CMP) for literary book bid out for publishers; adaptation of the GRANT BRACE STORY PROJECT (TGBSP) book for feature film supported by an extensive campaign of media and podcasts. EMMY nominated screenwriters Dwayne Hill and David Cormican of Washington Square Entertainment have inked the deal to write the feature film as approved by the family of Grant Brace for CMP submission bid out to studios, video streamers, networks and production companies. Mr. Morell and CMP represents as agent for the TGBSP, through their Attorney Jamie Moncus Esq. for the Grant Brace family. CMP additionally represents Didi Gluck, writer collaborator of the literary works; Dwayne Hill and David Cormican of Washington Square Entertainment (WSE) for the feature film and Tim Troke, Director Executive Producer for podcast to support The Grant Brace Story Project initiatives.
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Source: Inside Edition (YouTube Channel)
Following a “punishment practice” workout, which came on the first day of practice for the 2020-21 season, Grant Brace complained of dehydration and later died from “exertional heat stroke” at age 20. Grant became “profoundly disoriented” after the difficult first day of practice at an area of the campus known as “Punishment Hill”. The university junior had been diagnosed with ADHD and narcolepsy, forcing him to take medications that require proper hydration, especially during exercise. The University coaches and administration were aware of these medical needs.
On the day of his death, Brace completed numerous sprints and then sat down out of exhaustion. After being told that he would be kicked off the team, he is said to have performed an additional run to the top of the hill. Suffering from heat stroke and despite his medical needs, all while being mocked by his coaches, he continually sprinted up and down steep hills multiple times. Coaches screamed at him after the team returned indoors and he fled the wrestling room. Grant searched for a large working water fountain to submerge himself in, but collapsed and died after finding the large campus water fountain had been closed and was dry for maintenance. Coaches found him about 2 hours later. Grant Brace died in August 2020.
The University of the Cumberlands agreed to pay a $14,121,699 settlement, a number honoring Grant’s birthday. Through the litigation process the Brace family worked with Dr. Douglas Casa on the development of an extertional heat stroke awareness and safety protocol, the “B.R.A.C.E. Protocol,” which was first implemented at the University of the Cumberlands this summer. Part of the settlement negotiated this specific term that the University would re-train all its athletic staff on this new B.R.A.C.E Protocol in honor of Grant Brace. The Brace family looks forward to seeing where this protocol, in Grant’s honor, can inspire continued education and change within heat illness and sports culture.
Said Screenwriters Dwayne Hill and David Cormican: “Through TGBSP agent Alan Morell, who also represents us and Washington Square Entertainment, we have had the true privilege of speaking with Jackie, Kyle and Kaylee Brace, as well as the Family Attorney Jamie Moncus. We feel this project is particularly unique for feature film because it is a story that must be told. It is perfect for a feature film as Grant exemplified a young promising athlete’s dream for success. Out of this sad, heart wrenching true American tragedy (which many considered a cover up by the University of the Cumberlands), comes the good, the B.R.A.C.E. Protocol, and the goal for it to be initiated as part of future high schools, colleges, and universities’ curriculums.”
Said Jackie Brace on behalf of the Brace Family: “As a tribute to Grant, our family desired our beloved son and brother’s story to be told. Grant was a family man; he was a fierce competitor, an admirable teammate, spiritual, and genuine. He stood up against injustice, and he never hesitated to advocate for the truth. He worked hard, trained hard, loved hard, and never once met a stranger. Unfortunately, no one could have expected his life to be cut so short and in such a preventable way. By sharing Grant’s story, we hope to inspire others to reevaluate sports culture, educate themselves on exertional heat stroke, and, ultimately, we hope to save families from enduring a tragic fate similar to our own. The family is very pleased with Dwayne and David who were recommended by our family agent Alan Morell of the Creative Management Partners (CMP) in Beverly Hills. We feel that they will do a great job in helping us share Grant’s story. Grant always wanted to make a positive impact on the worldto leave the world a better place than he found it. Through his tragedy, we, as his family, will never cease in helping him do so.”
Said attorney for the family, Jamie Moncus, Esq.: “As a trial lawyer for the last twenty years, I’ve seen and been involved in more tragic cases than I care to remember, but it simply doesn’t happen often enough that a family chooses to continue to honor their lost love one in a way that will save lives for generations to come. It’s not easy to continue to tell Grant’s story, it’s quite painful, but the Brace family is courageous beyond measure, and I’m so proud of what they are doing in creating a legacy to honor Grant’s wonderful 20 years on this earth. He was taken much too quickly, but he accomplished so much in his time here, and he will now never be forgotten.
“I have witnessed first hand over the last few months, Alan assembling all the strategic pieces of talent for the book proposal; script for feature film; podcast series, traditional and social media for this important story. My clients, the Grant Brace family, and I searched extensively for representation that Grant would be proud to have working on such sensitive issues. This led us, through multiple referrals, to Alan Morell and Creative Management Partners (CMP). Alan is highly respected within the literary and entertainment sectors, where he is known for his professionalism, negotiation skills, honesty, senior executive level industry relationships and the mindset to deliver success. There simply is no other partner we would have considered for this job, and we are delighted to embark on this journey with Alan and CMP.”
Said Agent Alan Morell: “Having worked with Dwayne and David with Netflix top series Northern Rescue’ and recently packaging Venus Prime’ series for my client Claxon Interactive, I felt confident in knowing their writing skillset, vision and sensitivity as to the theme of Grant’s story. Therefore, I felt Dwayne and David were the best fit for the Grant Brace Family for this feature film represented by CMP.”
About Creative Management Partners LLC (CMP) Alan Morell:
Mr. Alan Morell, Chairman and CEO, THE CREATIVE MANAGEMENT AGENCY: Creative Management Partners LLC, has four decades of global experience in the successful development and management of talent, literary, TV and film packaging, commercial rights, corporate consulting, media positioning and intellectual property (IP) rights. Mr. Morell is one of the few in the entertainment, sports and the arts industries who has represented and managed clients that have won the prestigious awards: Grammy, Tony; Oscar; Emmy, ESPY, Victors, Telly, Gemini, Clio and NY Times Best Selling Authors.
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